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CG | BCMR | Advancement and Promotion | 2002-135
Original file (2002-135.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied


Application for the Correction of 
the Coast Guard Record of: 
                                                                                BCMR Docket No. 2002-135 




ANDREWS, Deputy Chair: 
This  proceeding  was  conducted  according  to  the  provisions  of  section  1552  of 
title 10 and section 425 of title 14 of the United States Code.  The BCMR docketed the 
applicant’s request for correction on July 5, 2002. 
members who were designated to serve as the Board in this case. 

This  final  decision,  dated  May  22,  2003,  is  signed  by  the  three  duly  appointed 


 The applicant asked the Board to correct his record to show that his pay grade 
from the date of his enlistment, May 19, 1997, to November 18, 1997, was E-3 instead of 
E-2, and that his pay grade from March 12, 1998, to May 18, 1998, was E-4 instead of E-
The applicant alleged that his recruiter incorrectly advised him that, as an Eagle 
Scout, he could enlist as an E-2.  He alleged that, in fact, the Recruiting Manual allows 
Eagle Scouts to enlist in pay grade E-3.  He further alleged that, if he had enlisted as an 
E-3, he would have advanced to E-4 upon his graduation from “A” School on March 12, 
1998.  He alleged that, because of his recruiter’s error, he was enlisted as an E-2 and he 
did not advance to E-4 until six months after his advancement to E-3 on November 19, 
In support of his allegations, the applicant submitted a copy of Article 2.G.4.b.7.c. 
of the current Recruiting Manual, which states that “Applicants who are Eagle Scouts 
may be enlisted in pay grade E-3.” 



The  applicant  enlisted  in  the  Coast  Guard  as  an  E-2  on  May  19,  1997.    On  the 
same day, he signed a form CG-3301R, Statement of Understanding:  Enlistment in an 
Advanced  Pay  Grade.    This  form  allows  recruiters  to  document  the  enlistment  of 
college  students  and  members  of  the  Reserve  Officer  Training  Corps  (ROTC),  Junior 
ROTC, Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Coast Guard Auxiliary, and Sea Explorers as E-2s or E-
3s.    On  the  applicant’s  CG-3301R,  the  words  “Eagle  Scout”  have  been  typed  at  the 
bottom of this list and his enlistment as an E-2 is indicated directly above his signature. 



On November 29, 2002, the Chief Counsel of the Coast Guard recommended that 
the  Board  deny  the  applicant’s  request.    He  stated  that  the  Recruiting  Manual  was 
revised on March 23, 1999, to allow Eagle Scouts to be enlisted as E-3s.  However, when 
the applicant enlisted in 1997, the Recruiting Manual provided no such incentives for 
Eagle Scouts. 


On  December  2,  2002,  the  BCMR  sent  the  applicant  a  copy  of  the  views  of  the 

Coast Guard invited him to respond.  No response was received. 


Article 2.G.4.b.7. of COMDTINST M1100.2D, dated March 23, 1999, provides that 

Article 2.G.4. of the Recruiting Manual, COMDTINST M1100.2C, dated May 18, 
1994,  provides  that  college  students  and  members  of  the  ROTC,  Junior  ROTC,  Naval 
Sea Cadet Corps, Coast Guard Auxiliary, and Sea Explorers may be enlisted as E-2s or 
E-3s.  Eagle Scouts are not mentioned.  
“Applicants who are Eagle Scouts may be enlisted in pay grade E-2.” 
Paragraph  5  of  ALCOAST  057/99,  issued  on  August  16,  1999,  states  that 
“[r]ecruit applicants who became Eagle Scouts or received the Girl Scout Gold Award 
are authorized enlistment as E-3’s vice E-2’s.” 
Paragraph  F  of  ALCOAST  124/99,  issued  on  October  4,  1999,  states  that  the 
authorization  to  recruit  Eagle  Scouts  and  Girl  Scout  Gold  Award  recipients  as  E-3s 
became  effective  on  August  17,  1999,  and  would  be  incorporated  into  the  Recruiting 


The  Board  makes  the  following  findings  and  conclusions  on  the  basis  of  the 
applicant's military record and submissions, the Coast Guard's submissions, and appli-
cable law: 
10 U.S.C. § 1552.  The application was timely. 

The Board has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to the provisions of 



Although the applicant alleged that he should have been enlisted as an E-3 
in 1997 because he was an Eagle Scout, ALCOASTs 057/99 and 124/99 clearly indicate 
that recruiters were not authorized to enlist Eagle Scouts as E-3s until August 17, 1999. 


When  the  applicant  enlisted,  there  was  no  provision  in  the  Recruiting 
Manual  for  enlisting  Eagle  Scouts  at  an  advanced  rank.    Presumably,  his  recruiter 
received authorization from the Recruiting Command or from an ALDIST or ALCOAST 
bulletin to enlist the applicant as an E-2.   



The  language  in  the  Recruiting  Manual  is  permissive  in  that  it  permits 
recruiters to use offers of advanced rank as incentives to recruits with certain creden-
tials but does not require recruits with those credentials to receive an advanced rank.  
Therefore,  even  if  there  had  been  authorization  for  recruiters  to  offer  Eagle  Scouts 
enlistment  as  E-3s  in  1997,  the  applicant’s  enlistment  as  an  E-2  would  not  have  been 
erroneous per se.  Moreover, the record shows that he voluntarily enlisted as an E-2. 

Accordingly, the applicant’s request should be denied. 



The application of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, USCG, for correction of his 







military record is denied. 













 Julia Andrews 



 Margot Bester 




 Francis H. Esposito 









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